What You Can Expect On Sunday


With a small congregation of about 25 to 40 people, St. Benedicts Anglican church offers a cozy and traditional Anglican church service.

The liturgy is mostly spoken from the Book of Alternate Services (BAS).  Occasionally visiting priest may use the Book of Common prayer (BCP).  An Anglican Communion is served as part of each service.


A strong feature of the services at St. Benedicts is the choir.  Singing a blend of traditional and contemporary hymns often enhances the spirituality of going to church in a historically interesting building.


We have plenty of onsite and street parking.  If things get busy on Sunday we are also allowed to park at the school parking lot across the road.


The church and hall are fully accessible with appropriate washrooms.


Children and babies are welcome.  However, we do not have a structured Sunday School program and have limited un-supervised play areas.

“To be a church that is inwardly transformed by the Holy Spirit; a church that reflects the virtue and Grace of Jesus; a church reaching out to proclaim God’s word to a broken world.”


Being transformed into the image of God. 2 Corinthians3:18 And we all with unveiled face,beholding the Glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. 2 Peter 3:18 Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

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